Classical Concert Season 24_25


Jaume Santonja
Firenze - Teatro Verdi

Jaume Santonja
Kerson Leong
Orchestra della Toscana
music by
Annachiara Gedda, Čajkovskij, Schubert
Fondazione ORT

Date and times
Wednesday 22 January9:00 pm

Availability and tickets
Single numbered sector
Full (*)
€ 22,00
Reduced (*)
€ 18,00
Under 30
€ 10,00
Students (infos in Reduced)
€ 5,00
(*) €2.00 must be added to these prices if purchased in advance (this applies up to one hour before the event).
The prices indicated refer to tickets purchased at the Teatro Verdi ticket office; if purchased online or in external sales points, the relevant sales commissions will be added. In order to check seat availability we recommend clicking on "Buy online" below: the map on TicketOne is always updated in real-time.

Students of all levels (Italians and foreigners) pay a special price of €5.00 all inclusive (the ticket can only be purchased at the ticket office, NOT online)

Normal discounts apply to:

Over 65s
> Season ticket holders for the Theatre Season of Teatro Verdi
ACI – ViaVai
A.Gi.Mus Firenze
ARCI Firenze
Associazione Culturale “Il Trillo”

FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano
Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi
(upon presentation of the ticket for the current exhibition)
> Italian Design Istitute
Opera Santa Croce
(upon presentation of the ticket for the visit carried out)
Touring Club Italiano
UniCoop – Firenze
> Università dell’Età Libera
Welfare Interclub

For safety reasons, for spectators with a certified disability equal to or greater than 70% a reserved area is set aside near one of the exits at the back of the stalls (4 seats available for disabled people with mobility impairments and 5 seats for disabled people who are able to walk). These spectators are entitled to a reduced ticket and a free ticket for their service companion.

The purchase can be made EXCLUSIVELY by contacting the Teatro Verdi ticket office via email (info@teatroverdionlilne.it), by telephone at or even in person.

This concert can be included in one of the season ticket formulas provided (from € 48.00 to € 255.00):

– ALL-INCLUSIVE (15 concerts)
– OCTET (8 concerts)
– DO-IT-YOURSELF (from 5 to 12 concerts)
DIY OPEN (3 to 6 concerts)

For more information click here

Tickets for this event can also be purchased with the  Teacher’s Card – Culture Bonus and with 18 Apps, both at the theatre ticket office and through the Ticketone website.


Orchestra della Toscana
Jaume Santonja conductor
Kerson Leong violin
Annachiara Gedda / Voci senza Voce (Voiceless Voices) – commissioned by Fondazione ORT
Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij / Violin Concert Op.35
Franz Schubert / Symphony No.4 D 417 “Tragic Symphony”

It is one of the most exhilarating concertos in the violin repertoire. And it is the highlight of the program entrusted to Jaume Santonja, principal guest conductor of the Milan Symphony Orchestra, who returns to the ORT podium after two years. The work in question is Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij‘s Violin Concerto Op.35, a 1878 composition brimming with melodic inventiveness, dazzling in its orchestration, and infused from beginning to end with intense lyricism. It also contains some of the most difficult and spectacular passages of 19th-century violin music, providing the soloist with numerous opportunities to showcase their technical prowess. Adolf Brodsky gave the premiere in Vienna in 1881, but it was harshly criticized by the press—most notably by the renowned critic Eduard Hanslick, famous as a champion of Brahms and a ruthless detractor of Wagner and Bruckner. Hanslick famously described the concerto’s finale as evoking a “brutal and indecent orgy of a Russian folk festival,” where “the air reeks of vodka.”
Taking on this challenging work is Canadian violinist Kerson Leong, whom the Toronto Star has described as “not only the greatest violinist in Canada, but one of the greatest violinists, period.” Following the concerto is another 19th-century classic, Franz Schubert’s Fourth Symphony, known as the Tragic. The nickname “Tragic” is linked to the slow introduction that opens the first movement, but the symphony quickly becomes serene. The program opens with a new piece commissioned by the ORT Foundation from composer Annachiara Gedda, who has had an extensive international career.

Orchestra della Toscana

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