Students of all levels (Italians and foreigners) pay a special price of €5.00 all inclusive (the ticket can only be purchased at the ticket office, NOT online)
Normal discounts apply to:
Over 65s
> Season ticket holders for the Theatre Season of Teatro Verdi
> ACI – ViaVai
> A.Gi.Mus Firenze
> ARCI Firenze
> Associazione Culturale “Il Trillo”
> FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano
> Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi (upon presentation of the ticket for the current exhibition)
> Italian Design Istitute
> Opera Santa Croce (upon presentation of the ticket for the visit carried out)
> Touring Club Italiano
> UniCoop – Firenze
> Università dell’Età Libera
> Welfare Interclub
For safety reasons, for spectators with a certified disability equal to or greater than 70% a reserved area is set aside near one of the exits at the back of the stalls (4 seats available for disabled people with mobility impairments and 5 seats for disabled people who are able to walk). These spectators are entitled to a reduced ticket and a free ticket for their service companion.
The purchase can be made EXCLUSIVELY by contacting the Teatro Verdi ticket office via email (, by telephone at or even in person.
This concert can be included in one of the season ticket formulas provided (from € 48.00 to € 255.00):
– ALL-INCLUSIVE (15 concerts)
– OCTET (8 concerts)
– DO-IT-YOURSELF (from 5 to 12 concerts)
– DIY OPEN (3 to 6 concerts)
For more information click here
Tickets for this event can also be purchased with the Teacher’s Card – Culture Bonus and with 18 Apps, both at the theatre ticket office and through the Ticketone website.
Orchestra della Toscana
Niklas Benjamin Hoffmann conductor
João Barradas accordion
/ The Hebrides, Op.26
Cristian Carrara / Rosso Ferrari (Red Ferrari) – commissioned by Fondazione ORT, Musica Insieme Bologna, Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Santa Barbara Symphony e FVG Orchestra
Kurt Weill / Symphony No.2
Nearly one hundred years separate each of the three compositions in the program of ORT’s final concert of the season. Indeed, The Hebrides Overture by Mendelssohn dates back to 1830, Weill’s Symphony to 1933-34, and fresh from the pen is Cristian Carrara’s score, commissioned by Fondazione ORT, Musica Insieme, Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Santa Barbara Symphony, and FVG Orchestra. The Hebrides is the work of a young man in his twenties from a wealthy family, completing his education on the Grand Tour. Among the first stops is Scotland, where he visits the Hebrides islands. On one of these, Staffa, he is captivated by the so-called Fingal’s Cave, a natural marvel formed by hexagonal basalt pillars, named after a hero of Gaelic-Scottish mythology. In the overture, Mendelssohn vividly depicts the misty Scottish weather, the restless sea, and the storms around the cave. Weill’s Symphony is instead a work of exile. Shortly after the Nazis came to power, Weill decided to leave Germany and settle in France. This symphony is his first work as an exile: pure music, devoid of political subtext, and it was premiered by one of the century’s greatest conductors, Bruno Walter. The third piece of the evening comes from a composer well known to ORT, having served as its artistic coordinator between 2020 and 2021. It is Cristian Carrara, now leading the Teatro Verdi in Pisa and the Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini in Jesi. The soloist for Rosso Ferrari is João Barradas. On the podium is the return of Niklas Benjamin Hoffmann, a young German maestro who cut his teeth as assistant conductor at the London Symphony Orchestra.